In the mill you must get flour!

Seidla Windmill grinds flour in the same manner as it was done centuries ago by use of old mill-equipment and traditional knowledge brought from past to present.

The grinding process starts with catching the wind, turning the cap, unfolding the sails and preparing the stones and sieves...

We make whole grain rye flour for baking bread and wheat flour for making white bread, rolls, cupcakes etc. Flour grinded between stones is healthy because the slow process without over-heating the flour maintains all minerals and vitamins present in the grain. The millwork is friendly to the environment because we use the natural resource - the power of wind. Come and see with your own eyes!

You can buy our mill products on the spot, check for availability or order in advance by calling +3725210113 or look for in Tallinn shops Krõõt, NOP, Tagurpidi Lavka